Interactive COBOLEnvyr Corporation

What Is ... FAQ

See the ODBC FAQ and the ODBC Driver product description for more information.

What is Client/Server File Access?
See the Client/Server FAQ and the Client/Server File Access product description for more information.

What is the sp2 Panel Editor?
This module assists with GUI screen development. A particular window (panel) can be developed, and then COBOL source can be generated to be included in COBOL programs to provide access to the GUI screen.

See Optional Development Environment Modules for more information.

What is the FormPrint Forms Editor?
Much like the sp2 Panel Editor module, the FormPrint module assists with the development of GUI print forms, except that no keyboard/mouse interaction is required. With FormPrint, the COBOL programmer has total control of how the data will be presented on the printer device.

See Optional Development Environment Modules for more information.

[ General | Capabilities | Client/Server | ODBC | License Server | Runtime | Debugging | Windows-specific | Linux-specificNetwork-specific | What Is? ]